Thursday, January 8, 2015

Pertanyaan yang sering muncul dalam game League of Angel di

Pertanyaan yang sering muncul dalam game League of Angel di, league of angel, league of angel kuis, LOA Quiz,
League of Angel Quiz - Pertanyaan yang sering muncul dalam game League of Angel di Karena setiap ada event tertentu dalam game League of Angel ini muncul juga beberapa kuis atau pertanyaan dan jawabannya juga sering di acak dan diputar, maka penulis akan mencoba memeberikan contoh beberapa pertanyaan dan jawabannya. Semoga pertanyaan dan jawaban event kuis pada game League of ANgel ini akan dapat membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan poin yang maksimal dan gold yang maksimal pula.

Berikut beberapa pertanyaan dan jawaban yang sering muncul dalam Angel's quis dalam game League of Angel produksi GTArcade :

1. How many daily tides are there ?

jawab : 2

2. What is cartman's first name on the tv show south park ?

jawab : Eric

3. Where is Rome located ?

jawab : Italy

4. What is the capital of Australia ?

jawab : Canberra

5. Who leaked NSA documents to the guardian in 2013 ?

jawab : Edward Snowden

6. Who was electric chair invented by ?

jawab : a dentist

7. Where is the Mumbai located ?

jawab : India

8. What is the name of the sea east of Korea ?

jawab : Sea of Japan

9. Where is mount Fuji located ?

jawab : Japan

10. What does the roman Numeral C represent ?

jawab : 100

11. Warren Buffet is famous for investor
12. Siberia located in Russia
13. San Andreas fault located at the USA
14. the country originated opera is Italy
15. the largest cave in the worl is Son Doong cave
16. the largest tree born fruit is Jackfruit
17. the rings around Saturn planet comprise of Water ice
18. the world's largest desert is Antartica
19. Taj Mahal located in India
20. the da vinci code wrote by Dawn Brown
21. the day after thanksgiving in the united states is commonly Black Friday
22. the largest spider in the world is Giant Huntsman spider
23. the lord of the ring filmed in New Zealand
24. golden gate bridge in San Frasisco
25. the hottest is the Sun
26. the river runs through Paris is Seine
27. the president served the shortest in USA is William Henry Harrison
28. free willy is film about a whale
29. Big Ben is located in the United Kingdom
30. participants of asexual reproduction is 1
31. the center of black hole is Intense light
32. the name of the rabbit in bambiis Thumper
33. Super Mario games, is a plumber
34. human family belong to Hominidae
35. king Louis XIX in France rules in 15 minutes
36. hidden air burg is Hydrogen
37. Pompei located in Italy
38. Florida have NBA team, 2 team
39. MLB team does Florida have is 2
40. the largest mammals in the world is Blue Whale
41. the source of Danube river is from German
42. the largest dinosaur is Argentinosaurus
43. the short litram machine is
44. Tokyo located in Japan
45. the country have most nuclear weapon is Russia
46. how many oscar dit the 1997 movie "Titanic" win ? 11
47. the real first name of Doogie Howser is Douglas
48. Kualalumpur located in Malaysia
49. motor city in USA is for Detroit
50. minimum number of bars on abacus is
51. Where is Mecca located ? Saudi Arabia
52. where is bolivia ? South America
53. the capital of Vermont is
54. what ships did vikings sail in ? longboats
55. Louvre loctaed in France
56. how tall is a regulation adult soccer ? 8 feet
57. Mach one is refers to the speed of a sound
58. a cat is said to have 9 lives
59. the capital of Turkey is Ankara
60. homo sapiens is the scientific name for human
61. silent christmast carol night is 1818
62. planet earth is 3rd from the sun
63. kangkaroos group called is a mob

Itu merupakan beberapa deskripsi dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sering muncul dalam game League of Angel, terutama pada event Angel's Quiz. Mungkin ada beberapa pertanyaan yang belum terjangkau atau saya catat di atas, silahkan kembali lagi searching di Google untuk lebih jelasnya atau kirim komentar Anda di bawah. Jika ada yang salah saya minta maaf dan mohon koreksinya. Terimakasih.

Sudah level berapakah Anda ? Berapakah BR atau Battle Rating Anda saat ini ? Lebih baik tinggi BR nya daripada levelnya.

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